Sunday, January 17, 2016

Vegan Mayo - Paleo Friendly

I've been trying to make vegan mayo for about a week. I've also failed about a dozen times. Trust me, I've tried multiple methods, recipes, and every blender I have in the house plus one from my mother-in-law (Ninja prep, Cusinart food processor, mini food chopper and immersion blender). I even ruined a shirt this week spraying oil all over my shirt thanks to one immersion blender attempt. I've taken lots of advice from a good friend who makes homemade Paleo mayo and it was her tip that I think finally did the trick! I found a decent basic vegan mayo recipe but it had a strong lemon and sour flavor so I adjusted the recipe, added a few ingredients and ended up with this! With this recipe, the method is as important as the ingredients so pay attention to both!

Vegan Mayo
Makes about 1.5 cups

1 tbls ground flax seed
3 tbls water
1/2 tbls lemon juice
1/2 tbls raw apple cider vinegar
1/2 tsp dry ground mustard
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp garlic powder
1 cup light tasting olive oil or another good tasting oil

In a small bowl, mix together ground flax seed and water, set aside. Using a food processor (trust me I tried everything else), place the lemon juice, apple cider vinegar, dry ground mustard, salt, garlic powder and 1/4 cup of the olive oil into the food processor bowl. Do NOT blend yet. Use a liquid measuring cup to measure out the remaining 3/4 cup of olive oil and set near the food processor but do NOT pour in yet. Once ground flax seed and water have created a gel type consistency, place flax seed mixture into the food processor bowl with the other ingredients. Use a food processor lid that contains a shaft. (Note: My food processor has a regular lid with a hole in the middle and a lid with a shaft. Pouring oil down the hole in the middle did not work for me.) Turn food processor on and slowly pour the 3/4 cup of oil through the shaft hole. Mixture should gradually become a mayo consistency. After oil has been poured and mixture reaches mayo consistency, stop processor immediately. Over mixing will break the consistency and cause you to have a liquid mess again. Place mayo in a glass container and keep in the refrigerator. This mayo seems to hold it's consistency best after being in the refrigerator for at least a few hours before serving.

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