Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Week One Menu - Whole30/Paleo Diet

To say this first week on the diet was stressful would be an understatement. Don't get me wrong. The food hasn't been too bad and the cravings haven't really been too bad either. We started last Wednesday at dinner. Thursday afternoon Lola had a fever and was pretty crabby. On Friday, Oliver had the flu all day long! Saturday Lola tripped and chipped her front teeth a little bit. Nothing too bad but of course enough to make this pregnant momma cry. Finally, on Monday I decided to get some tooth pain checked out that I'd been having. Turns out I had a cracked filling that must have been around too long because I ended up with an emergency root canal and lots of pain. Phew! So with that said, next week can only be better and if we can manage this diet despite all those crazy things, then you can too!

We've tried quite a few recipes this week. Some good and some bad. That's been the biggest con of this diet. I'm familiar with having to cook a lot from scratch and the time commitment there but at least I've had my food allergies long enough to know which recipes are great and which ones just don't work. With this diet, I've been learning all over again. My husband, David, hasn't been too fond of the diet. He's a good sport though. I asked him to try it for one week and he's decided to go off of the diet starting tomorrow. My only request is that he only go off diet when at work or when the kids aren't watching. Oliver has also been having some withdrawal from his normal favorites. In fact at our first meal he saw the tacos on the table and asked for tortillas. He even took it as far as needing to search the pantry himself for some...luckily he didn't find any! So far I've learned that some of the recipes we've tried my family actually likes and it's easy to hide vegetables in some dishes. While I think we may implement this menu into our normal diet once or twice a week after this, it's not something I see us doing full time.

Here's what we've been eating this week!

Wednesday Night:

Day 1:

  • Breakfast: fried egg and sausage in a naan wrap for David, fried egg, clementines and Paleo berry crumble
  • AM Snack: clementines
  • Lunch: Leftover Tacos
  • PM Snack: Apple slices with cashew butter (Oliver wanted chocolate cashew butter so we put a little cocoa powder in it!)
  • Dinner: Ranch sliced chicken breast in a pita, fries, spinach salad, pears and strawberries

Day 2:

  • Breakfast: scrambled eggs and leftover Paleo berry crumble
  • AM Snack: apple slices
  • Lunch: uncured Applegate beef hot dog, unsweetened applesauce, spaghetti squash "cheese" noodles (I tried to make a version of my kids' favorite food since Oliver was sick. Oliver hated it but Lola liked it. Personally the noodles were fine but I didn't care for the "cheese.")
  • PM Snack: Larabar and Terra root chips
  • Dinner: Tacos with tortillas, leftover pico de gallo, ranch, and honeydew

Day 3:

  • Breakfast: Kids had a Larabar, sliced apples and almond butter to hold them over. Plantain waffles - Didn't work in waffle maker but made into pancakes.
  • AM Snack: Round 2 breakfast got late so we didn't do AM snack
  • Lunch: Leftover ranch chicken, leftover tacos, potato wedges, and honeydew
  • PM Snack: Kale chips - we failed, Pita chips - too crunchy, Terra root chips and honeydew
  • Dinner: Guacamole burger, green beans and apple slices - I don't like avocado or guacamole but loved the homemade stuff on this burger!
Day 4:

  • Breakfast: Larabar for the kids to hold them over. Hard boiled eggs and leftover Paleo berry crunch
  • AM Snack: applesauce pouches and Larabar
  • Lunch: Leftover tacos and burgers, fries, sliced avocado and pineapple
  • PM Snack: Tried to revise the plantain waffles (fail), bananas & raw coconut butter to dip pancakes
  • Dinner: Italian soup, salad, and pineapple
Day 5:

  • Breakfast: Larabar to hold kids over. Hash browns, sausage, ranch and pineapple
  • AM Snack: nuts and sliced apples
  • Lunch: Popcorn chicken, salad and fruit
  • PM Snack: fruit smoothie
  • Dinner: Leftover Italian soup, salad and apples
Day 6:

  • Breakfast: Scrambled eggs, sausage, and blackberries. Sausage wrap for no egg option.
  • AM Snack: nuts and raisins
  • Lunch: Italian soup, salad, and clementines
  • PM Snack: fruit puree Popsicle
  • Dinner: Crock pot spinach and artichoke stuffed chicken breast (Family liked but I didn't.), green beans, and sliced apples
Day 7:

  • Breakfast: Leftover plantain waffles dipped in almond butter and egg and sausage wraps
  • AM Snack: On the go! Raisins and natural fruit snacks
  • Lunch: Leftover spinach and artichoke chicken and blueberries
  • PM Snack: blueberries and applesauce
  • Dinner: Barbacoa bowl with cauliflower rice (not a fan), pico de gallo, tortillas, blueberries, and grapes

Our keep recipes from this week that we would eat when off diet:
Excited for new recipes next week!

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