Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Allergy Friendly Meat Lover's Pizza

Pizza is a favorite for our family like it is for most families. One thing that makes pizza difficult in our family though, besides allergy people versus not, is our topping preference. I'm sure this happens in a lot of families but ours is pretty opposite so we usually end up making two pizzas: an allergy free pizza and a wheat/dairy pizza. You see, David's brother is a vegetarian and so David grew up with some of your traditional meat pizzas but also a lot of cheese pizza or veggie pizza. In my family, my dad was a pork producer so it was all about the meat. We always ordered the meat lovers pizza from Pizza Hut when we went out for pizza and had tons of meat on our home made pizzas too. David thinks all of my meat is disgusting and I think his veggies are gross. So he had his wheat pizza tonight and I will give you the recipe for my meat one!!

Serves about 8

-1 package Bob's Red Mill Gluten Free Pizza Mix (need ground flax seed, water, canola oil) or use this pizza crust recipe
-1 package (7 oz) Hormel pepperoni
-1/4 lb deli ham (We like Land O Frost Black Forrest because it's labeled gluten free.)
-1 can (4 oz) mushrooms or use fresh and precook
-1/2 lb. bacon, cut into bits (Make sure it is gluten free and has no MSG.)
-1/2 lb. ground sausage, cooked (Make sure it is gluten free and has no MSG.)
-1/2 jar (1 jar is 24 oz) soy free spaghetti sauce like some Classico or Prego flavors
-1 package (8 oz) Daiya mozzarella style shreds

Directions: Cut bacon slices into cubes and place in a skillet. Bacon seems to cut easier if it is half frozen. In a skillet, fry the bacon until it is brown and crisp. Remove from the pan and place bacon bits on a paper towel to remove the grease. In a separate skillet, fry the ground sausage until the juices run clear and it is completely cooked, set aside. Prepare crust per package directions on a 9 by 13 pan or cookie sheet, using the ground flax seed and water mixture recipe on the package as your egg replacer. Preparing the crust also involves cooking it without any toppings for 8 minutes. While the crust is cooking, dice the deli ham into small cubes and cook the mushrooms if they are fresh. After the crust is done, remove from oven and let cool for a few minutes. Spread spaghetti sauce generously over the crust. Now add the pepperoni, sausage, ham, bacon and mushrooms. Top with cheese. Remember a little of this cheese goes a long way. Bake in the oven at 425 degrees for 40 minutes. Broil on low for about 5 minutes or until cheese is completely melted. Be careful not to burn the cheese or make it too brown. While that sometimes tastes good with cow's milk cheese, it can totally ruin Daiya, in my opinion. Cut into squares and serve immediately.

Disclaimer: It is always important to read labels because brands frequently change their ingredients. These ingredients and brands work for my family but some may be processed in the same facility as wheat, soy, dairy and/or eggs and therefore depending on your severity may or may not work for your family.

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