Sunday, February 22, 2015

Fast and Easy Spaghetti

This is such an easy and cheap meal! Easy meals are hard to come by with this diet which is why I love to throw this on our menu. We like pasta. I like pasta so much that I had wanted a pasta bar at my wedding but my dad quickly vetoed that for a traditional meat and potatoes meal instead. In our house, my gluten eaters get excited when I make wheat noodles for them but usually they get gluten free noodles because I am not making two separate pots of noodles. This time around I used Barilla's gluten free spaghetti for my noodles. Remember to watch out for the sauce. Today I used two half jars I had left in the fridge, a Market Pantry heart healthy traditional one and a Prego one. We don't always make spaghetti this simple but here is our straight forward easy spaghetti recipe that I am sure is not much different than how you already make it.

Fast and Easy Spaghetti
Serves 5
-1/2 pound sausage or ground beef, cooked
-1 can (4 oz) mushrooms
-1 lb. gluten free spaghetti noodles
-1 jar (24 oz) spaghetti sauce (check for allergens, especially soy and dairy)
-Daiya mozzarella shreds to garnish, optional

Directions: Fill a large pot half full of water. Bring water to a boil. Add in spaghetti noodles and cook per package directions. In a skillet, brown ground meat until completely brown and juices run clear. Drain fat off. Add canned mushrooms and jar of spaghetti sauce. Heat through. Serve immediately on top of noodles. Top with mozzarella cheese, optional.

Disclaimer: It is always important to read labels because brands frequently change their ingredients. These ingredients and brands work for my family but some may be processed in the same facility as wheat, soy, dairy and/or eggs and therefore depending on your severity may or may not work for your family.

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