Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Cheesy Bacon French Fries

Hello heart attack on a plate! In high school we used to go to the local diner after Sunday night church with the rest of the church group. They had this amazing appetizer of French fries with cheese sauce and bacon bits on top. We used to call it heart attack on a plate because of how bad it was for us. It tasted soooo good though! I've been dying to have it again but with a no dairy diet it's not an easy task. Today I made a vegan cheese sauce though so these French fries seemed like a must try! Not all bacon is free of allergens. I used Farmland's Hickory Smoked Lower Sodium bacon today because it is labeled gluten free and MSG free.

Cheesy Bacon French Fries
Yield 6 Servings

-1 package of Alexia crinkle cut French fries
-3/4 cup of vegan cheese sauce
-12 oz bacon (see note above)

Directions: Cut raw bacon slices into bits. (Tip: Cut while bacon is frozen and barely thawed.) Cook bacon pieces in a skillet over medium heat until brown and fully cooked. Remove from grease and place on a paper towel covered plate. Set aside. Cook Alexia French fries per package directions. Cook vegan cheese sauce per directions in the link above. Once Alexia fries are fully cooked, place fries in a pile, drizzle with vegan cheese sauce and sprinkle bacon bits on top. Serve immediately.

Disclaimer: It is always important to read labels because brands frequently change their ingredients. These ingredients and brands work for my family but some may be processed in the same facility as wheat, soy, dairy and/or eggs and therefore depending on your severity may or may not work for your family.

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