Friday, September 3, 2010

Kabobs & Rice for Dinner

A few nights ago we decided to make some kabobs and fire up the grill. This was a painless allergy free meal because it was naturally free of my allergies. I like meals like this because it means I won't have 2 pots of noodles and 2 kinds of garlic toast, etc! Here's what we used for our kabobs:

1.5 lb steak
Allergy free steak seasoning, pre-made from store or make your own
1 Medium onion, thickly sliced
1 medium green pepper, thickly sliced
1 medium red pepper, thickly sliced
4 oz Baby Portabella Mushrooms, whole
4 Kabob skewers
2 cups white rice
Gluten Free soy sauce

We cooked our white rice in our rice cooker and simply followed directions. Rice is the one thing I cannot cook so we have a rice cooker to do the work for me! We used beef steak for ours but you could use just about any meat you'd like. Alternate vegetables and meat as desired on the skewers and place on grill. Cook until meat is fully cooked. Serve kabob on a bed of white rice. Splash some soy sauce over rice and kabob meat and veggies as desired! This recipe yielded about 5 servings for us.

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