Tuesday, February 17, 2015

What's for dinner tonight? Our gluten, dairy, egg and soy free meals.

The last time I wrote on this blog was 2010. Wow have things changed. In 2010 I had just been diagnosed with my gluten, dairy and egg allergies and was just starting to learn how to cook again as well as trying lots of new products. So much has changed. Since then my husband and I have moved back to Minnesota and we now have a spunky, crazy 22 month old little boy, Oliver, and a sweet but difficult at times 5 month daughter, Lola. I say difficult because since birth I've sensed something different with this baby. She was crabby, very clingy to me, her bowl movements were different than Oliver's and I just sensed something familiar. Well sure enough Lola started showing more significant issues at 2 months old and after who knows how many doctor appointments over 6 weeks we finally figured out she has a soy and dairy protein allergy. We tried Nutramigen and it was an epic fail! The doctors didn't think changing my diet would solve the issue and had doubt that I would even be able to pull it off. "Oh but you need your nutrition too." "Well if you eliminate soy too what will you eat?" After trying Nutramigen though we decided to put our trust in God's hands. We had friends praying for us and Lola and we did our best to follow God's wisdom. Today Lola has been issue free for 7 weeks and I maintain a very strict (no eating out and only I prepare the food I eat) soy free diet in addition to my other allergies. I can't tell you how many people hear what I eliminate from my diet and immediately ask "What do you eat!?" I've heard it so many times that I have decided to reignite my blog and post each day (or as often as I can) on what's for dinner tonight at our house. I think you will be surprised at what you see!

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