Friday, March 27, 2015

Sloppy Joes

This recipe is my mom's. When we were kids she would make barbecue shape-ups (sloppy Joe meat and cheese on top of rolled out crescent roll with another crescent roll on top.) This meal was a favorite for some in our family and I frequently remember my sister requesting this meal for her birthday. The recipe below is just for the meat portion. Tonight I served David and Oliver these as barbecue shape-ups while I had mine on this white bread loaf I made.

Sloppy Joe Meat
Yield 6 servings

1.5 ground beef, turkey or pork
3/4 cup ketchup
1/4 cup plus 1/8 cup barbecue sauce (I use Jack Daniels)
1 tablespoon Dijon mustard
1 tablespoon brown sugar
1 teaspoon lemon juice

Directions: Heat ground meat over medium heat until brown and juices run clear. Reduce heat to low. Add ketchup, barbecue sauce, mustard, brown sugar and lemon juice, mix well. Serve immediately on top of bread with cheese.

Disclaimer: It is always important to read labels because brands frequently change their ingredients. These ingredients and brands work for my family but some may be processed in the same facility as wheat, soy, dairy and/or eggs and therefore depending on your severity may or may not work for your family.

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