Monday, January 11, 2016

5 Week Meal Plan - A Mix of Paleo and Whole30 Recipes

2015 was B-U-S-Y! Two sister's weddings, two bridal showers, hosting birthday parties for two kids, and so much more! Oh and not to mention that we are expecting #3 now too so pregnancy symptoms have been in full swing since the end of October! I've been neglecting the blog as a result, so I apologize! 2016 and especially this next month, I should be much more involved. See, my daughter's doctor suggested we try a new diet. We recently changed pediatricians in hopes of finding someone who was more in line with our beliefs, a mix of western medicine and natural care. Her new doctor suggested we try the Whole30 diet to help her digestive issues. Her current diet of simply avoiding allergens is working, but it would be nice to start introducing allergens to her and to have her be allergy free. We are willing to try it. After researching the Whole30 diet, we've agreed to most of the terms but in the end we are going to create a menu that is a mix of Paleo and Whole30 diets. We will respect the food rules of Whole30, with the exception of our soy free vegan butter that contains pea protein and since I have a dairy allergy and can't do Ghee or clarified butter. The one thing Whole30 requires that we will be breaking though is the no recreating "junk" foods or making Paleo pancake type products. Correct me if I'm wrong but this seems to be a rule made for psychological reasons to break bad habits. We aren't on the diet for weight loss or bad habits and to be honest I'm not sure my 2 year old can survive a month without pancakes. I know that's a lot of excuses but in order for a diet to be successful, it needs to be realistic and with our entire family trying this diet....that's what's realistic for us. Cooking every meal also isn't realistic for our family so we eat leftovers for lunch almost every day and cook many meals in the crock pot to avoid crabby toddlers during dinner prep time. So with that being said, here is our menu for the next month that is a mix of Paleo and Whole30. There are links posted to the original recipe I found when applicable but some of these recipes need to be altered to fit the diet and our personal family preferences. Some items on the menu are simply ideas so maybe there will be a post later once I come up with a recipe! No repeated dinner recipes here either. Breakfast on the other hand will probably repeat a bit. We may change the menu and repeat something if we find a dish we love. The boys in our family will be eating eggs so you may see that on the menu, however, I have an egg allergy so you won't see me going near them! I hope to post as we go on this journey!

Week 1:
  • Day 1:
    • Breakfast - Apple Slices in Almond Butter
    • Lunch - Tuna Salad Lettuce Wraps, Fresh Fruit, and Cooked Carrots
    • Dinner - Taco Salad with Pico de Gallo, Fresh Fruit, and California Blend Vegetables
  • Day 2:
    • Breakfast - Scrambled Eggs and Sausage Patties (using apple cider vinegar)
    • Lunch - Leftovers
    • Dinner - Grilled Chicken Paninis, Broccoli, and Fresh Fruit
  • Day 3:
    • Breakfast - Paleo Berry Crumble
    • Lunch - Leftovers
    • Dinner - Crock Pot Chili/Italian Soup (sausage, beef, celery, onions, mushrooms, tomato base, and Italian seasoning), Spinach Salad, and Fresh Fruit
  • Day 4:
    • Breakfast - Banana Muffins without vanilla
    • Lunch - Leftovers
    • Dinner -Popcorn Chicken (using almond and coconut flour), Green Beans, and Fresh Fruit
  • Day 5:
  • Day 6:
  • Day 7:
    • Breakfast - Plantain Waffles - without vanilla
    • Lunch - Leftovers
    • Dinner - Spinach and Artichoke Stuffed Chicken Breast, Cooked Carrots, and Fresh Fruit
Week 2:
Week 3:
Week 4:
  • Day 1:
    • Breakfast - Breakfast Pizzas with Scrambled Eggs and Bacon to Top Sausage Crust
    • Lunch - Leftovers
    • Dinner - Steak, Peppers, and Onion Fajita Wraps or Salad and Fresh Fruit
  • Day 2:
    • Breakfast - Coconut and Almond Porridge
    • Lunch - Leftovers
    • Dinner - Crock Pot French Onion, Mushroom, and Beef Soup, Salad, and Fresh Fruit
  • Day 3:
  • Day 4: 
  • Day 5:
  • Day 6:
    • Breakfast - Bananas with Almond Butter
    • Lunch - Leftovers
    • Dinner - Beef Roast (leave out red cooking wine), Cooked Carrots, Potatoes, and Fresh Fruit
  • Day 7:
    • Breakfast - Breakfast Stacks
    • Lunch - Leftovers
    • Dinner - Marinated (Flavor TBD) Chicken, Green Beans, and Fresh Fruit 
Week 5
Other Meals Considered:
Regular Recipes I Will or May Need:

Disclaimer: Remember that my family is mixing the Paleo and Whole30 diets to create a diet that will work for our family. If you are strictly following a Paleo or Whole30 diet, you should double check that each recipe meets your diet requirements and make modifications if needed.

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