Tuesday, September 27, 2016


The End

This will be my last post on this blog. Not because I don't like sharing our recipes but because the word "allergy" no longer defines our family. Let me back up a bit and tell you our story...

Sickness and Diagnosis

In college I sometimes felt sick after eating a bowl of cereal or yogurt. I tried to stay away from over doing it when it came to dairy but I still could eat plenty of it. David and I were married in August of 2009 and shortly after I started feeling really sick. My mom and two sisters were diagnosed with food allergies a few years prior to our wedding. Between the three of them they had gluten, dairy, eggs, peanut, beef and garlic. We saw a significant family trend and while my mom's mother had already passed, we remembered her complaining of stomach aches from time to time and suspect she may have had allergies as well. In September of 2009, my sickness was bad enough that my coworkers would joke I was pregnant but this was far worse than morning sickness. Curled up in the fetal position, crying in bed almost every morning at 5 am, as well as many other digestive symptoms and I didn't know why.  I eliminated dairy for the next year but was still sick! Finally in July of 2010 I went to the allergist and had a skin and blood test for a handful of allergens. A few weeks later I received a letter in the mail that my blood test had showed levels slightly above the norm for whey (dairy), 4 times the norm for eggs, and 5 times the norm for gluten! The doctor told me I would need to eliminate dairy, gluten and eggs from my diet. I was devastated and cried a lot! In denial, I gave myself one last weekend of food freedom and paid for it dearly.

The Diet

Over the past 6 years, I've practiced a very strict avoidance diet for eggs, dairy and gluten. It's been more expensive, emotionally draining, socially isolating at times and all around exhausting making things from scratch all the time. On the plus side, I lost 15 pounds and feel much healthier! The majority of the years I've had to cook for myself have been spent learning and practicing to cook free of allergens and to read a ton of labels. Despite being so careful, I've been "poisoned" plenty of times. Sometimes it was that well meaning relative that forgot they put flour into the food when they said it was gluten free, sometimes I misread a label, cross contamination at home with David's food or in a restaurant, the list is endless. I've also tested the waters myself a few times, but very very rarely. Each instance getting sick. The last "poisoning" was this summer when I ordered a bunless burger and said to hold the cheese. Halfway through my meal I see melted cheese on the bottom of the burger and they had clearly melted cheese onto the burger and then done their best to scrape it off....yep...got sick!

Another Generation Affected

September of 2014 our first little girl was born. Feeding her in the hospital was different. She was fussy and I felt immediately it was food allergies. Her doctor wasn't much help and really didn't even believe me. In November of 2014, I tried some goat cheese to see if my body could tolerate it, in hopes that maybe my allergies were no longer. Not only did I have symptoms but our daughter had her first bloody stool the next day. She was only on breast milk so there was only one likely culprit. Now the doctor was finally taking me serious. Two more months of issues for her and no answers. We tried a special formula for a week that made her condition much worse. She wouldn't even soothe for me most days. Allergy testing wasn't much help because she was only 3 months old and testing is highly unreliable at that age. Finally a very strict soy free diet for her and I that included no soybean oil, MSG, or eating out was the answer and we saw a change in less than a week.

So Many Attempts at Remedies

Throughout the past 6 years I've tried almost every home remedy for food allergies there is! We've done a strict candida diet with candida killer pills, reduced our overall sugar intake, tried probiotics, chiropractic care, and a mix of a Whole 30/Paleo diet. I'd lost all hope in any of these so called cures to finally cure me of my allergies. Some others in my family have also done parasite cleanses and probably more diets and remedies that I can't even remember without any success!

The War Room

There's something about seeing your child in pain that sends you into momma bear mode. This was me in December of 2014 when we were dealing with finding out why our daughter was having issues and trying to find which food needed to be eliminated! Once we discovered it was soy, I had a lot of guilt about it being "my fault" and because of "my genetics." Nothing I obviously had any control over. I decided that as with everything on this Earth, this was not a battle of flesh and blood but a spiritual battle. I decided it was time to start praying firmly against food allergies in our family and to break any curse that might be over my daughter's generation, generations to come, my generation and the generation before me in our family. A few dear friends came along side of me to persistently pray for healing and against these food allergies. While specifically upset and fighting for my daughter's healing, I also continued to pray over myself, my mom, and both of my sisters. Not only fighting the enemy but also claiming life, healing and restoration. Fervently asking God to fill our bodies with his peace and presence and to bring his healing touch to our bodies.

In the last 22 months that I've been praying for allergy healing, you wouldn't believe the amount of spiritual warfare God has opened my eyes to and I have experienced. It's exciting and overwhelming all at the same time. I'll spare you all of the stories (for now) but one big one is that this April (2016) my dad was diagnosed with a huge mass on his left kidney. Doctors told us they were 99.999% sure it was cancer. Lots of praying from over 10 churches happened between his diagnosis and surgery. Dad had surgery in May to remove the mass and left kidney (doctors say only 1/4 of it was even left!) While we had a peace about the situation being in God's hands, we had to wait until they could biopsy the mass to know what kind of further treatment he might need for cancer. A few days later the results from his 5.25 pound mass were in....NOT CANCER! He had a follow up appointment this summer to make sure he's feeling good but that's it! He's free and is living a miracle story.

Matthew 18:18-20 (NIV)

18 “Truly I tell you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.
19 “Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. 20 For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.”


My daughter's allergist told me that since I was diagnosed as an adult there was little chance that my allergies would change after 6 years but that I could pursue retesting every 5-10 years. I decided to get retested on September 16th. A few days after testing we visited an event service for one of our local churches. The sermon was about how God has the very best for us so why settle for less. Although in his sermon he noted that's easy to do when you live in Minnesota and are a Vikings fan! This is true but hopefully not this year!

John 10:10(NIV)10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.

One week later my lab results were in. I received the phone call on September 23rd and was very brief with the nurse on the other line because I couldn't hardly believe her, negative for all allergens tested. While I was excited, I was also skeptical. Remember I had just gotten sick a few months prior from cheese slime and residue on my burger! I did some research and found that blood tests can be unreliable, yield false negatives and the fact that I've eliminated those allergens from my diet the past 6 years, may explain why my levels fell within normal limits this time around. Scared by science and the possibility of getting sick, I was unsure if I wanted to try any foods and decided if I did, I would need to take it very very slow! A few days later we went to our home church. We had debated going to a different church because we were late (again) walking out the door. At church every aspect of the service talked about healing. Worship was fantastic and the worship leader sang parts of "Worthy of It All" and said God was saying "you were worth it." This resonated with me and brought me to tears. Over and over again during worship I would hear "you've been healed" and "by HIS stripes you've been healed."

1 Peter 2:24
"He himself bore our sins" in his body on the cross, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; "by his wounds you have been healed."

If that wasn't enough of a push, the director of the School of Supernatural Ministry got up and spoke about how 4 people were prayed for at their weekly meeting to be healed from back pain and guess what, 4 people received healing that night! Ok ok...still struggling with the faith to believe I've been healed too. A pastor gets up to speak and asks for people who need healing for backs, hearts, headaches and depression to stand if they want to receive prayer. I felt discouraged because food allergies wasn't listed but chose to stand anyways and claim that healing in my life.

John 5:1-9(NIV)Some time later, Jesus went up to Jerusalem for one of the Jewish festivals. Now there is in Jerusalem near the Sheep Gate a pool, which in Aramaic is called Bethesda and which is surrounded by five covered colonnades. Here a great number of disabled people used to lie—the blind, the lame, the paralyzed. One who was there had been an invalid for thirty-eight years. When Jesus saw him lying there and learned that he had been in this condition for a long time, he asked him,“Do you want to get well?”

“Sir,” the invalid replied, “I have no one to help me into the pool when the water is stirred. While I am trying to get in, someone else goes down ahead of me.”
Then Jesus said to him, “Get up! Pick up your mat and walk.” At once the man was cured; he picked up his mat and walked.
The day on which this took place was a Sabbath,

Feeling encouraged and blessed, I missed the entire sermon because I had a hungry baby. I'm sure it was great but I was in the preschool room with my two toddlers and nursing infant. I like to nurse in the back of that room in hopes my two clingers will participate with the kids. They didn't....but...guess what the kids were talking about! Jesus healing people and then they played a version of duck, duck, grey duck called "Sick, sick, healed." Alright God, you've got my full attention now! We returned to service just as it was ending and they offered prayer up front and specifically mentioned healing again. I went up and had one of the pastors pray over me, not for healing because I know I had already been given that but for the faith to believe it and stop listening to all of the lies. She told me how she had previously had allergies and it wasn't until she had prayed for healing that hers were gone and she hasn't dealt with them since (There's power in someone who's received healing praying for someone who needs healing for the same thing.) Feeling encouraged I knew I needed to step out in faith and believe that God had truly healed me. My husband's jaw about dropped to the floor when I told him let's go eat at Pizza Ranch after service. We did and being a Christian company they have worship music playing in the building. Right before I took my first bite I could hear the music clearly. I still can't remember the song in particular but the phrase was about death being overcome. Praying through the entire meal as I continued to hear lies about cross contamination and getting sick and struggled with thoughts of fear that I'll be paying for this later, I survived the battle. Guess what? Five to six slices of pizza, three bread sticks and one slice of dessert pizza later and this girl has NO SYMPTOMS! How awesome is our God? A few days later I looked at ingredients on Pizza Ranch's website and while I consumed a ton of gluten and dairy, I didn't consume any eggs. Tuesday morning this week, I was making breakfast for the kids and about to make my own breakfast. I went to grab my vegan egg powder to make a scramble and stopped and thought, why? Don't I believe in this healing? I put them back on the shelf and again battling thoughts of fear and anxiety from the enemy over trying eggs, I put on the worship music and did it! Guess what? NO SYMPTOMS! Normally I would have seen an almost immediate reaction with eggs.

Praise to God who is worthy of it all! He's healed my body and he's cleansed my soul! This is one thing I cannot keep quiet or still about! I've been crying on and off for days over God's goodness. I now have a little taste of what heaven's going to be like...

Revelation 4:11(NIV)

11 “You are worthy, our Lord and God,
    to receive glory and honor and power,
for you created all things,
    and by your will they were created
    and have their being.”

Please continue to join us in prayer for our family. I still have two sisters and a mom with food allergies. My daughter's tests have come back negative (praise the Lord) but we are still working through one more test with her in the next month.

Because this is a classic photo pose for me and my sisters,
but now my food option can include whatever I want!

Friday, February 19, 2016

Menu for Our Last 9 Days

Sorry it's taken so long to write this final post about our diet experience. It's been a very busy month! Well this diet certainly was not easy. It took a lot of planning and even then we had a lot of curve balls thrown our way with illness, failed recipes, and a lot of time spent making more than normal from scratch. I ended up completing 24 full days and then remained on the diet about 80% of the time for Lola's last 6 days. Lola did the full 30 days but on day 28 her oh so generous brother was feeding her unapproved granola bars for breakfast while I was in the shower. Overall, we learned a lot from this diet and will continue to use some components of it in the future. Since quitting the diet we have gone back to our grains but have cut back quite a bit and no longer feel like there MUST be a grain at every meal. While I haven't had any stomach aches or reactions since going back to eating our normal food, I have felt the carbohydrate overload and we haven't even gone back to the full swing of carbs that we used to! My 4 am "I'm starving" pregnancy wake up calls have also returned. I'm realizing that carbs aren't really helping me stay full and I'm not liking this carbohydrate overload feeling. We will continue to try to reduce carbs but have a lot of carbs in our pantry that need to be eaten first. Since going back on the diet, I've significantly reduced how many junk and full of carbohydrate products that we purchase, although the guys in my life still "need" me to purchase their loaf of bread each week! If you are considering this diet, I recommend you try it but be very organized about it because it can be difficult and emotional. Good luck!

Day 22 - Thursday:
  • Breakfast: Banana Blueberry Muffins and Clementines
  • AM Snack: Apples and Strawberries
  • Lunch: Leftover Chicken Tacos, Guacamole, Pico de Gallo, and Mixed Berries
  • PM Snack: Mini Sausage Pizzas on Flat bread, Apples with Raisins and Almond Butter
  • Dinner: Beef Roast, Salad and Mixed Berries
Day 23 - Friday:
  • Breakfast: Scrambled Eggs, Almond Butter and Banana
  • AM Snack: Unsweetened Applesauce
  • Lunch: Leftover Beef Roast, Baked Potato, and Mixed Berries
  • PM Snack: Apple Slices, Macadamia Nuts, Dried Cherries and Dried Blueberries
  • Dinner: Smoky Lime Chicken, Green Beans, and Cantaloupe 
Day 24 - Saturday:
Day 25 - Sunday:
  • Breakfast: Almond Butter with Banana and Applesauce
  • AM Snack: Fruit Leather and Applesauce
  • Lunch: Leftover Meatballs in Marinara in a Tortilla
  • PM Snack: Apples, Raisins, and Almond Butter
  • Dinner: Buffalo Bites Popcorn Chicken, Frozen Pizza (guys only), Chips and Blueberries
Day 26 - Monday:
  • Breakfast: Scrambled Eggs and Blueberries
  • AM Snack: Chips and Raisins
  • Lunch: Popcorn Chicken, Green Beans, Oranges and Blueberries
  • PM Snack: Applesauce
  • Dinner: Butter Garlic Shrimp over Spaghetti Squash, Green Beans, and Blackberries
Day 27 - Tuesday:
  • Breakfast: Chick-Fil-A Hashbrowns, Almond Butter and Banana
  • AM Snack: Banana
  • Lunch: Applegate Uncured Beef Hot Dogs, Spaghetti Squash, Orange, and Green Beans
  • PM Snack: Fruit Leather, Raw Cashews, Chips and Dried Cherries
  • Dinner: Pulled Pork Nachos and Oranges
Day 28 - Wednesday:
  • Breakfast: Almond Butter Plantain Pancakes and Oranges
  • AM Snack: Raisins and Fruit Leather
  • Lunch: Popcorn Chicken, Green Beans and Grapes
  • PM Snack: Leftover Lunch (Kids didn't eat their lunches.)
  • Dinner: Leftover Pulled Pork Nachos, Grapes, and Clementines
Day 29 - Thursday:
Day 30 - Friday:
  • Breakfast: Hash browns and Sausage Patties
  • AM Snack: Grapes
  • Lunch: Leftover Tacos, Broccoli, and Clementines
  • PM Snack: Chips and Raisins
  • Dinner: Officially done with the diet - Chick-Fil-A grilled nuggets, fresh mixed fruit, and waffle fries.
Recipes to Save and Use Again:
Things This Diet Will Change for Us:
  • Read labels for unnecessary ingredients.
  • Be more aware of obvious and hidden sugars and reduce them when possible.
  • Limit or eliminate food dyes as much as possible.
  • We don't need a grain at every meal.
  • Overall, eat less grains but not completely eliminate them.
  • Implement some of the recipes we've discovered into our weekly menus and continue to try new Paleo recipes.
  • Make sausage from ground pork (that we now only purchase from the meat locker) and season ourselves. 

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Week Three Menu - A Mix of Paleo and Whole30 Eating

Phew! Week 3 of this diet is in the books! I'm not going to sugar coat it, this diet isn't easy and I can't tell you how many times this week I seriously contemplated quitting the diet. It would be easier if I was single but with a husband who loves his gluten and two kids, one who is already a picky eater, this has been pretty stressful on our family. The most stressful part has been failing on recipes, both it just not working out and my family hating the taste and then not knowing what to feed them! Given the stress this next week, we will most likely be repeating meals or going with meal options that I know contain ingredients my family likes versus a bunch of vegetables they've never tried and risk them hating the entire meal. My two year old currently gets up somewhere between 5am-6am to raid the pantry and binge on his favorites like crackers, chips, chocolate covered raisins, granola bars, etc! This diet is certainly taking a toll on him to say the least. He is officially off diet now for the most part except for snacks so there isn't any jealousy. Luckily at meal time she sits far enough away from him to see what he's really having. We are taking away some great recipes that we will use in the future but overall this family is very excited that there are only 9 days left!

Day 15 - Thursday:
  • Breakfast: Scrambled Eggs and Mixed Berries
  • AM Snack: Clementines
  • Lunch: Tuna Flat Bread and Clementines
  • PM Snack: Apples with Cashew Butter and Raisins on Top
  • Dinner: Paleo Fish Sticks (We weren't impressed and the house still stinks!), Green Beans, and Mixed Berries
Day 16 - Friday:
  • Breakfast: Apple Cinnamon Roll Porridge (This was awful.), Sausage and Mushroom Wrap, and Leftover Pizza
  • AM Snack: Chick-Fil-A Hash browns (contain a small amount of dextrose), Unsweetened Applesauce, and Clementines
  • Lunch: Leftover Paleo Fish Sticks, Fries, and Mixed Berries
  • PM Snack: Apple Slices, Raisins, and Macadamia Nuts
  • Dinner: Smoky Lime Marinated Chicken (We LOVED! Even the kids!), Butternut Squash, Clementines, and Apples
Day 17 - Saturday:
  • Breakfast: Plantain Pancakes with Cashew Butter
  • AM Snack: Chips and Dried Cherries
  • Lunch: Homemade Shrimp Poppers (Not impressed.), Green Beans, and Apple Slices
  • PM Snack: Root Chips and Clementines
  • Dinner: Zucchini Lasagna with Almond Ricotta (Not linked to exact recipe we used but the recipe I used for inspiration.), Leftover Green Beans, and Kiwi
Day 18 - Sunday:
  • Breakfast: Larabar, Scrambled Eggs, Clementines and Leftover Tacos
  • AM Snack: Raisins and Unsweetened Applesauce
  • Lunch: Leftover Lasagna, Green Beans, and Kiwi
  • PM Snack: Root Chips with Homemade Smoky Chia Cheeze (Recipe isn't perfect enough for sharing yet!), and Unsweetened Applesauce
  • Dinner: Beef Rib Roast, Leftover Butternut Squash, and Apple Slices
Day 19 - Monday:
  • Breakfast: Almond Butter Wraps and Seasoned Hash browns
  • AM Snack: Raisins
  • Lunch: Leftover Rib Roast, Baked Potato, and Apple Slices
  • PM Snack: Sweet Potato Chips, Unsweetened Applesauce, Larabar, and Fruit Leather
  • Dinner: Stew Meat with Mushrooms and Onions, Salad and Pears
Day 20 - Tuesday:
Day 21 - Wednesday:
  • Breakfast: Scrambled Eggs, Mixed Fruit, Homemade Tater Tots
  • AM Snack: Raisins
  • Lunch: Leftover Beef and Cabbage Stir Fry, Applegate Beef Hot Dogs, and Banana
  • PM Snack: Macadamia Nuts and Raisins
  • Dinner: Salsa Chicken Tacos with Guacamole and Pico de Gallo on Tortillas, and Apple Slices
Recipes to Save and Use Again:

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Week Two Menu - Whole30/Paleo Diet

Almost halfway there!! Well this week certainly wasn't quite as crazy! Thank goodness! Things still feel really busy though between our normal schedule and trying to balance the extra cooking from scratch and constantly trying new recipes! Each week, sometimes multiple times per week, I've been making these tortillas, ranch, and taco meat. My family just loves these....ok mostly me since I am constantly eating tacos for snack! David has only been on the diet when at home and it seems to be going fine for him. Oliver is still on diet but did have some accidental consumption of graham crackers. See we try to give him some independence in the morning and he's been great about going to the pantry and grabbing the right Larabar to have to hold him over until breakfast...well...he must be pretty sick of this diet because this morning he ate a big pile of graham crackers!

Day 8 - Thursday:
Day 9 - Friday:
Day 10 - Saturday:
  • Breakfast: Scrambled Eggs with Sausage Mixed In, Sausage Wraps, and Clementines
  • AM Snack: Nuts and Raisins
  • Lunch: T-Bone Steak, Baked Sweet Potatoes and Russet Potatoes, California Blend Vegetables, Blueberries, and Blackberries
  • PM Snack: On-the-Go - Natural Fruit Snacks, Larabar, Veggie Potato Chips, and Clementines
  • Dinner: Leftover Chicken Pizzas with Sausage and Mushrooms, California Blend Vegetables, Salad, Apples and Blueberries
Day 11 - Sunday:
  • Breakfast: Hash browns with Crumbled Sausage
  • AM Snack: Grapes, Mandarins, and Raisins
  • Lunch: Leftover BBQ Beef Sliders, Leftover Tacos, Chips, Pineapple, and Blueberries
  • PM Snack: Applesauce and Zucchini Cheese - Pretty bland and needs more flavor. Lola loved it though!
  • Dinner: Chicken Zoodle Soup (Zoodles were ok but overall we were not fans.), Salad and Pineapple

Day 12 - Monday:
  • Breakfast: Leftover Frozen Plantain Pancakes and Clementines
  • AM Snack: Busy morning running errands so lots of snacks! Larabar, Chick-Fil-A Waffle Fries (contains small amount of dextrose), Natural Fruit Leather Strip, and Raisins
  • Late Lunch: Leftover T-Bone Steak, Salad, and Clementines - Kids had clementines, Applegate uncured beef hot dogs, and fries.
  • PM Snack: Apples and Raisins
  • Dinner: Portobello Mushroom Philly Cheese Steak with Heidi Ho Smoky Chia Cheeze, Salad, and Grapes
Day 13 - Tuesday:
Day 14 - Wednesday:
  • Breakfast: Banana and Apple Cashew Butter Pizzas/Tortillas
  • AM Snack: Raisins, Clementines, and Root Chips
  • Lunch: Tacos on Tortillas, Green Beans, and Mixed Berries
  • PM Snack: Unsweetened Applesauce and Flat bread
  • Dinner:  Sausage, Mushroom, Moxarella Pizzas on Flat bread

Recipes To Save and Use Again:
Taco Seasoning

Chicken Pizzas with Sausage and Mushrooms - Paleo and Whole30 Friendly

My family loves pizza! This grain free diet has been hard on our normal pizza cravings. In fact my son asked my husband the other night if he brought pizza home when he arrived home from work. We rarely order pizza but he really wanted some. I first discovered chicken pizzas when our local news station talked about how to grill pizzas by using a flattened chicken breast as the crust, grilling the chicken and then tossing your normal toppings on top after you flip the chicken over. All while on the grill. When we had a family meal this spring that required low carbs, I made this but in the oven and people enjoyed it. This week I didn't really have the time nor the energy to flatten out the chicken breasts and pre-grill them for our pizzas so I made more of a chicken pizza oven casserole instead. It was super easy!

Chicken Pizzas with Sausage and Mushrooms
Serves 4

1.25 lbs. chicken breasts
1/2 lb. sausage, cooked
8 oz fresh sliced mushrooms, washed and cooked
12 oz pasta sauce (I use Aldi's natural marinara)
Miyoko Schinner's Nut Parmesan Cheese from her book Artisan Vegan Cheese (optional)

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Cook chicken breasts in a frying pan until brown on both sides and juices run clear. Place chicken breasts in an 8 x 8 baking dish. Cover chicken breasts generously with pasta sauce. Top chicken breasts with cooked sausage and cooked mushrooms. Sprinkle nut cheese on top. Bake at 350 degrees for 20 minutes or until sauce is hot. Serve immediately.

Sausage Stuffed Mushroom Caps - Paleo and Whole30

My grandma stopped to visit and have lunch with us this week. I was determined to stick to our diet but really didn't want it to be weird for her. If you know my grandma, you know she's an amazing cook and one of the best pie makers in her town! I like to think I get some of my cooking skills from her! I wanted to make her something special. We bought some mushroom caps this weekend so I decided to try my hand at sausage stuffed mushrooms but couldn't use my normal recipe with bread crumbs and Daiya cheese. This was almost as good but would have been even better if I could have used some sort of cheese.

Sausage Stuffed Mushroom Caps
Serves 3

6 oz mushroom caps (3 ct)
3/4 cup sausage, cooked (use raw apple cider vinegar vs. red wine vinegar)
2 Tbls almond meal
2 Tbls fresh parsley, chopped
1 tsp minced garlic
1 green onion, chopped

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Clean mushroom caps using a wet paper towel. Cut stems off mushroom caps and clean out insides. Chop up any large mushroom pieces and place in a medium mixing bowl. Place sausage, almond meal, fresh parsley, and minced garlic in the bowl with the mushroom pieces. Mix well. Divide mixture into 3 portions and scoop into mushroom caps. Place mushroom caps in an oven safe 8 x 8 pan. Top each stuffed mushroom with chopped green onion. Bake at 350 degrees for 30-35 minutes. Serve immediately.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Week One Menu - Whole30/Paleo Diet

To say this first week on the diet was stressful would be an understatement. Don't get me wrong. The food hasn't been too bad and the cravings haven't really been too bad either. We started last Wednesday at dinner. Thursday afternoon Lola had a fever and was pretty crabby. On Friday, Oliver had the flu all day long! Saturday Lola tripped and chipped her front teeth a little bit. Nothing too bad but of course enough to make this pregnant momma cry. Finally, on Monday I decided to get some tooth pain checked out that I'd been having. Turns out I had a cracked filling that must have been around too long because I ended up with an emergency root canal and lots of pain. Phew! So with that said, next week can only be better and if we can manage this diet despite all those crazy things, then you can too!

We've tried quite a few recipes this week. Some good and some bad. That's been the biggest con of this diet. I'm familiar with having to cook a lot from scratch and the time commitment there but at least I've had my food allergies long enough to know which recipes are great and which ones just don't work. With this diet, I've been learning all over again. My husband, David, hasn't been too fond of the diet. He's a good sport though. I asked him to try it for one week and he's decided to go off of the diet starting tomorrow. My only request is that he only go off diet when at work or when the kids aren't watching. Oliver has also been having some withdrawal from his normal favorites. In fact at our first meal he saw the tacos on the table and asked for tortillas. He even took it as far as needing to search the pantry himself for some...luckily he didn't find any! So far I've learned that some of the recipes we've tried my family actually likes and it's easy to hide vegetables in some dishes. While I think we may implement this menu into our normal diet once or twice a week after this, it's not something I see us doing full time.

Here's what we've been eating this week!

Wednesday Night:

Day 1:

  • Breakfast: fried egg and sausage in a naan wrap for David, fried egg, clementines and Paleo berry crumble
  • AM Snack: clementines
  • Lunch: Leftover Tacos
  • PM Snack: Apple slices with cashew butter (Oliver wanted chocolate cashew butter so we put a little cocoa powder in it!)
  • Dinner: Ranch sliced chicken breast in a pita, fries, spinach salad, pears and strawberries

Day 2:

  • Breakfast: scrambled eggs and leftover Paleo berry crumble
  • AM Snack: apple slices
  • Lunch: uncured Applegate beef hot dog, unsweetened applesauce, spaghetti squash "cheese" noodles (I tried to make a version of my kids' favorite food since Oliver was sick. Oliver hated it but Lola liked it. Personally the noodles were fine but I didn't care for the "cheese.")
  • PM Snack: Larabar and Terra root chips
  • Dinner: Tacos with tortillas, leftover pico de gallo, ranch, and honeydew

Day 3:

  • Breakfast: Kids had a Larabar, sliced apples and almond butter to hold them over. Plantain waffles - Didn't work in waffle maker but made into pancakes.
  • AM Snack: Round 2 breakfast got late so we didn't do AM snack
  • Lunch: Leftover ranch chicken, leftover tacos, potato wedges, and honeydew
  • PM Snack: Kale chips - we failed, Pita chips - too crunchy, Terra root chips and honeydew
  • Dinner: Guacamole burger, green beans and apple slices - I don't like avocado or guacamole but loved the homemade stuff on this burger!
Day 4:

  • Breakfast: Larabar for the kids to hold them over. Hard boiled eggs and leftover Paleo berry crunch
  • AM Snack: applesauce pouches and Larabar
  • Lunch: Leftover tacos and burgers, fries, sliced avocado and pineapple
  • PM Snack: Tried to revise the plantain waffles (fail), bananas & raw coconut butter to dip pancakes
  • Dinner: Italian soup, salad, and pineapple
Day 5:

  • Breakfast: Larabar to hold kids over. Hash browns, sausage, ranch and pineapple
  • AM Snack: nuts and sliced apples
  • Lunch: Popcorn chicken, salad and fruit
  • PM Snack: fruit smoothie
  • Dinner: Leftover Italian soup, salad and apples
Day 6:

  • Breakfast: Scrambled eggs, sausage, and blackberries. Sausage wrap for no egg option.
  • AM Snack: nuts and raisins
  • Lunch: Italian soup, salad, and clementines
  • PM Snack: fruit puree Popsicle
  • Dinner: Crock pot spinach and artichoke stuffed chicken breast (Family liked but I didn't.), green beans, and sliced apples
Day 7:

  • Breakfast: Leftover plantain waffles dipped in almond butter and egg and sausage wraps
  • AM Snack: On the go! Raisins and natural fruit snacks
  • Lunch: Leftover spinach and artichoke chicken and blueberries
  • PM Snack: blueberries and applesauce
  • Dinner: Barbacoa bowl with cauliflower rice (not a fan), pico de gallo, tortillas, blueberries, and grapes

Our keep recipes from this week that we would eat when off diet:
Excited for new recipes next week!